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Ukraine Relief

Disaster Relief

Direct Relief has deployed more than 2,480 tons of medical aid, 341.6 million defined daily doses, $42 million in financial assistance, and $1.3 billion in material aid assistance to Ukraine since the war broke out.

Four pallets of emergency medical aid loading onto FedEx cargo plane
52 tons of medical aid arrives in Warsaw, Poland, on June 26, 2022, for last-mile distribution to health facilities in Ukraine. FedEx donated the charter transportation, free of charge. (FedEx photo)


War in Ukraine has killed thousands and injured untold more, while millions of Ukrainians have been displaced.

Direct Relief is a recognized international partner of Ukraine’s Ministry of Health and supports several groups in Ukraine and regionally with requested medical aid—including trauma kits, cancer drugs, insulin, antidotes used in chemical attacks, and more.

In addition to medical aid, Direct Relief has provided more than $36 million in financial assistance, including direct cash aid to support local healthcare organizations to help Ukrainian refugees obtain needed medications at no cost.


Tons of Medical Aid


emergency Shipments


Medicine Doses*


Medical Aid Value**


Cash Assistance


Hospitals & Clinics


“Direct Relief was created out of the ashes of WWII by Europeans who fled. It’s stunning and sad that humanitarian assistance is needed again in the same neighborhood, but it’s definitely consistent with our organization’s roots, initial focus, and longstanding mission.”

– Thomas Tighe, President & CEO, Direct Relief

Direct Relief is deploying urgently needed medical aid directly to Ukraine’s Ministry of Health, with which it has a standing agreement, and to other on-the-ground organizations in Ukraine and throughout the region.

Since the war broke out, Direct Relief has deployed more than 2,400 tons of medical assistance, including trauma kits, cancer drugs, insulin, antidotes used in chemical attacks, and other critical medicines, to the Ministry of Health and other healthcare providers.

Direct Relief has also supplied the Ukrainian Ministry of Health with hundreds of emergency medical backpacks for first responders working in the field and dealing with injuries, trauma, infections, and other acute medical needs.

(Specific aid distribution locations within Ukraine are being withheld for security reasons)

More than 2,480 tons of medical aid have been provided in response to Ukraine relief over the past two years, and more than $42 million in financial assistance has gone to health providers and first responders offering services to impacted patients.

Medical Needs in Ukraine

The war in Ukraine has left 1,035 health facilities damaged by bombings and over 171 totally destroyed. The impact on the healthcare system is severe. Health concerns during this time include medical needs for thousands of people who have been internally displaced within Ukraine and many others who have fled into refugee camps established in the neighboring countries of Moldova, Poland, and others.

Humanitarian crises invariably lead to a wide range of health problems:

  • Infectious diseases – in Ukraine, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, polio, and Covid-19 are particular concerns, especially since oxygen shortage is a severe problem in the country.
  • Loss of chronic care medications frequently leads to acute, life-threatening health crises.
  • Maternal health care and vital services are disrupted.
  • The trauma of conflict has significant consequences on people’s mental health.

Direct Relief, drawing on its extensive humanitarian response experience, is supporting overwhelmed health systems to address these impacts as more information becomes available.

Direct Relief is also working with the manufacturers of essential medical products to facilitate donations to assist Ukrainians affected by war, whether they are still in the country or have fled to one of the neighboring nations receiving refugees.

Ukraine Aid Map

Ukrainian Crisis: How to Help

Direct Relief is providing critical medical aid, including wound care and ICU medications, to people affected by the war in Ukraine, including those who have fled to neighboring countries.

* Doses are measured as Defined Daily Doses, a statistical measure of drug consumption defined by the WHO.

** For an overview of how Direct Relief values medical aid, visit: Cash and In-Kind Contributions

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